Welcome to the web page for the 34th Project Week!
The 34th NA-MIC Project Week was held virtually December 14-18, 2020.
Please read about our experience in running these events since 2005: Increasing the Impact of Medical Image Computing Using
Community-Based Open-Access Hackathons: the NA-MIC and 3D Slicer Experience.
- Dates: December 14-18, 2020.
- Location: THE INTERNET
- Discourse Forum: Please sign-up on the discourse forum to get updates and ask questions.
- Slack: Invite Link
Note: Zoom Rooms Open at 11am EST and Project Presentations Start at 12noon EST on MONDAY
How to add this calendar to your own?
Notes on the agenda:
- The format of this virtual event will be different from the in-person ones.
- Monday’s session will include:
- 5-minute project presentations that include demos (for each of the projects listed below)
- Approximately 1:45 of presentations with a 10 min break after the 10th presentation
- An optional breakout session
- Tuesday’s session will be a discussion about
- Features in 3D Slicer that are new since the last Project Week
- Design considerations that are relevant for end-to-end solutions (or customizable Slicer apps).
- Wednesday’s session question and answer session about 3D Slicer for users and developers, a “live” version of what takes place asynchronously on the Slicer discourse forum. See discussed questions and answers here.
- Thursday’s session will be a discussion on recent advancing in the web and cloud technologies that are being used to create browser based visualization applications and large open databases.
- Friday’s session will be a training workshop focused on fostering partnerships with researchers and clinicians in Western Africa.
- The detailed program for each session is available from the link in the embedded Google Calendar above.
- In addition to the scheduled presentations, projects may create separate breakout sessions to work in small groups after the end of the main session
- Presenters and participants may use the chat function during the main session to request a breakout session with the designated person
- A few breakout sessions have already been planned (see Breakout Sessions section below)
- SlicerSALT: Shape analysis (Beatriz Paniagua, Kitware)
- SlicerHeart (Andras Lasso)
- SlicerIGT and AIGT (Tamas Ungi)
- SlicerMorph: An open and extensible platform to retrieve, visualize and analyze 3D morphology (Sara Rolfe)
- SlicerCMF: Craniofacial image processing (David Allemang)
- SlicerArduino (video) (Paolo Zaffino, Maria Francesca Spadea)
- PRISM volume rendering (Simon Drouin)
- Virtual reality (Csaba Pinter)
- SlicerWeb and Slicer in Cloud environments (Steve Pieper, Theodore Aptekarev)
- Napari: multi-dimensional image viewer for python (Nicholas Sofroniew)
10-minute BREAK
- XNAT - OHIF (Dan Marcus)
- MONAI: PyTorch-based, open-source framework for deep learning in healthcare imaging (Tina Kapur for Stephen Aylward)
- NCI Imaging Data Commons (Andrey Fedorov,Steve Pieper, Ron Kikinis)
- aevaSlicer volumetric mesh generation from segmentations (Sam Horvath)
- Landmark Curves for Brain Images (Jarrett Rushmore, BWH/MGH/BU, Sylvain Bouix, BWH/HMS, Nikos Makris, BWH/MGH/HMS, Kyle Sunderland, Queen’s University, Andras Lasso, Queen’s University)
- RadOncSegmentor Segmentation for Radiation Treatment Planning (Aditya Apte, Eve LoCastro, Harini Veeraraghavan, MSKCC)
- Scalable Quality Assurance for Neuroimaging (SQAN) (Arvind Gopu)
- Train the Trainers formation program with African countries: training & anatomical atlases (Juan Ruiz, Asmaa Skareb, Marilola Afonso, Nasara Cabrera Abu, Tagwa Idris, Septy Inge, Otman Aghzout, Babacar Diao, Alexandra Fernandes, Badiaa Ait Ahmed, Nayra Pumar)
- SlicerLiverAnalysis (Rafael Palomar OUS,NTNU. Ole Vegard Solberg, SINTEF)
- MICUDA - Generalized Entropy MI Registration (Luiz Otavio Murta, Vinicius Pavanelli Vianna)
- TRAKO (Daniel Haehn, Steve Pieper, Lauren O’Donnell, Yogesh Rathi))
- Slicer Training - DICOM (Sonia Pujol)
- Slicer + Looking Glass Factory’s Holographic Display (Jean-Christophe Fillion-Robin, Stephen Aylward)
- Open Anatomy (Mike Halle et. al.)
Breakout Sessions:
To learn how to join, leave or display list of breakout rooms. See here.
- Monday @ 3pm Ultrasound Image Guided Therapy (Tamas Ungi, Tina Kapur, Simon Drouin)
- Tuesday @ 11am Collaborative VR discussion (Csaba Pinter and Simon Drouin)
- Wednesday @ 11am EST Project/Room 10 & 11: Dan Marcus, XNAT + OHIF
- Wednesday @ 11am: Project 15 Landmark Curves for Brain Images (Jarrett Rushmore, Kyle Sunderland)
- Wednesday @ 2pm. Project 12 MONAI: PyTorch-based, open-source framework for deep learning in healthcare imaging (Stephen Aylward)
- Thursday @ 11am. Segmentation import/export/storage (Andras Lasso)
- Thursday @ 2pm Image segmentation clinicBring your own segmentation problem or learn from how we solve others’(Andras Lasso)
Do not add your name to this list below. It is maintained by the organizers based on your registration. Register here.
List of registered participants so far (names will be added here after processing registrations):
- Simon Drouin , École de technologie supérieure (ETS Montreal) , QC , Canada
- Tina Kapur , Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School , MA , USA
- Nadya Shusharina , Massachusetts General Hospital , MA , USA
- Salim Kanoun , Institut Claudius Regaud - Toulouse , Occitanie , France
- Hans Johnson , University of Iowa , IA , USA
- Steve Pieper , Isomics, Inc. , Massachusetts , USA
- Csaba Pintér , Ebatinca S.L., Pixel Medical Inc. , Las Palmas , Spain
- Saima Safdar , University of western australia , WA , Australia
- Alexandra Golby , Brigham and Women’s hospital and Harvard Medical School , MA , USA
- Randy Gollub , MGH , MA , USA
- Simon Oxenford , Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin , Berlin , Germany
- Sonia Pujol , Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School , MA , USA
- Sylvain Bouic , Brigham and Women’s Hospital , MA , USA
- Khalid Al Orabi , King abdullah medical city , Makkah , Saudi Arabia
- Andrey Fedorov , Brigham and Women’s Hospital , MA , USA
- Farah Alkhatib , University of Western Australia , Western Australia , Australia
- Dhruv Kool Rajamani , Worcester Polytechnic Institute , Massachusetts , USA
- Adam Wittek , Intelligent Systems for Medicine Laboratory, The University of Western Australia , Western Australia , Australia
- Matthew Toews , École de Technologie Supérieure , QC , Canada
- Vivian Monezi Tetzner , USP-FFCLRP , SP , Brazil
- Samantha Horvath , Kitware , North Carolina , USA
- Rafael Palomar , Oslo University Hospital , Norway , Norway
- Paolo Zaffino , Magna Graecia University of Catanzaro , Catanzaro , Italy
- Michael Young , Indiana University , IN , USA
- Arvind Gopu , Indiana University , Indiana , USA
- Attila Nagy , University of Szeged , N/A , Hungary
- Curtis Lisle , KnowledgeVis, LLC , FL , USA
- Vinicius Pavanelli Vianna , USP - University of Sao Paulo , Sao Paulo , Brazil
- Tamas Ungi , Queen’s University , Ontario , Canada
- Eve LoCastro , Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center , New York , USA
- Ole Vegard Solberg , SINTEF , Trøndelag , Norway
- Mehran Azimbagirad , University of Sao Paulo , SP , Brazil
- Sara Rolfe , University of Washington , WA , USA
- Junichi Tokuda , Brigham and Women’s Hospital , MA , USA
- Harini Veeraraghavan , Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center , New York , USA
- Renzo Phellan Aro , McGill University , QC , Canada
- Beatriz Paniagua , Kitware Inc , NC , USA
- Theodore Aptekarev , - , - , Russia/Israel
- Eleni Siampli , Childrens National Medical Center , DC , USA
- Ron Kikinis , Harvard Medical School , Massachusetts , USA
- Carl-Fredrik Westin , Harvard Medical School , MA , USA
- Lauren J ODonnell , BWH , MA , USA
- Raul San Jose , Brigham and Women’s Hospital , MA , USA
- Julien Finet , Kitware , Rhône-Alpes , France
- David Allemang , Kitware Inc , NC , USA
- Forrest Li , Kitware, Inc. , NC , USA
- Matt McCormick , Kitware , North Carolina , USA
- Sarah Frisken , Brigham and Women’s Hospital , MA , USA
- Jean-Christophe Fillion-Robin , Kitware , North Carolina , USA
- Nick Jowkar , Brigham and Women’s Hospital , MA , USA
- Luiz Murta , University of São Paulo , SP , Brazil
- Murat Maga , Seattle Children’s Research Institute / University of Washington , Washington , USA
- Marco Nolden , German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) , N/A , Germany
- Nayra Pumar Carreras , Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria , Las Palmas , Spain
- khalid Elamin Awad , University of Khartoum, Faculty of Medicine , Khartoum , Sudan
- Marie Ndiaye , Université Assane Seck de Ziguinchor , Sénégal , Sénégal
- Gregory C. Sharp , Massachusetts General Hospital , MA , USA
- David García-Mato , Universidad Carlos III de Madrid , Madrid , Spain
- Ahmed Temtam , Old Dominion University , VA , USA
- Jared Vicory , Kitware , North Carolina , USA
- Daniel Haehn , University of Massachusetts Boston , Massachusetts , USA
- Jarrett Rushmore , Boston University, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, MGH , MA , USA
- Tagwa Idris , Massachusetts General Hospital , MA , USA
- Fathelrahman Idris Gasmelseed Ali , University of Khartoum, Faculty of medicine , Khartoum , Sudan
- EL Tahir Ahmed EL Tahir , University of Alfashir , North Darfur , Sudan
- Abdelmajed Manna , Department of Anatomy, university of Alfashir , North Darfur , Sudan
- Noureldeen abaker , Uorolgy resident , South Darfur , Sudan
- Mahil Mohamed Sharief Abdalla , Department of Anatomy, Faculty of Medicine, University of Khartoum , Khartoum , Sudan
- Haythem Mohammed Gorshi Ahmed , University of Khartoum , Khartoum , Sudan
- Abuzar Mubarak Omer Osman , Ondokuz mayıs üniversity OMÜ , black sea , Turkey
- Ehab Mohammed Rabie Abd Allah , Cairo University school of medicine , Khartoum , Sudan
- Nicholas Sofroniew , Chan Zuckerberg Initiative , CA , USA
- Osama Mohammed Ahmed Mohammed ELNOUR , Faculty of medicine and health scince , North Darfur State , Sudan
- Mustafa Bahar , Soba University Hospital , Khartoum , Sudan
- Dr.anatomy83@yahoo.com , Prince Sattam bin Abdulaziz University , Riyadh , Saudi Arabia
- Abubaker Elssidig Elhaj Bakhit Farg , University of Ha’il. KSA , Ha’il Prevalence , Saudi Arabia
- Pape Mady THIAO , École militaire de santé de Dakar , SÉNÉGAL , Sénégal
- Elsadig Suleiman Adam , Nyala Specialized Hospital , South Darfur , Sudan
- Juan Ruiz-Alzola , University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria , Canarias , Spain
- Idafen Santana , Las Palmas de Gran Canaria University , Canary Islands , Spain
- NORALDAIM AHMED FADOL MOHAMMED , Ministry of health , Darfor , Sudan
- Leila omer adam Ahmed , University of al fashir , North Darfur , Sudan
- Babacar DIAO , Cheikh Anta DIOP University , Senegal , Sénégal
- Khaly / TALL , Ecole Supérieure Polytechnique de Dakar , Sénégal , Sénégal
- Idy , École Supérieure Polytechnique , Senegal , Sénégal
- Stephen Aylward , Kitware , NC , USA
- Selly Suzuki , São Leopoldo Mandic , Sao Paulo , Brazil
- Haythem Guermazi , Faculté de Médecine de L’université de Nouakchott Al Aasriya Mauritania , Nouakchott , Mauritania
- William Wells , BWH , Massachusetts , USA
- Christian Herz , Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia , Pennsylvania , USA
- Mamadou Samba CAMARA , Ecole Supérieure Polytechnique / University of Dakar , Senegal , Sénégal
- Michal Brzus , University of Iowa , IA , USA
- Wafa Nour , Khartoum breast care center , Khartoum , Sudan
- Izabel Rubira-Bullen , University Sao Paulo , Sao Paulo , Brazil
- Tim Olsen , Radiologics , IL , USA
- Blake Griggs , Radiologics, Inc , CA , USA
- Amadou Gabriel Ciss , université cheikh anta diop , senegal , Sénégal
- Idris Ahmed Abaker Ibrahim , Alfasher University faculty of medicine , NORTH DARFUR , Sudan
- Souleymane Diatta , chu fann , dakar , Sénégal
- Momar Sokhna Diop , Cheikh Anta Diop University , Senegal , Sénégal
- Dan Marcus , Washington Universituy , MO , USA
- PAPA SALMANE BA , UCAD , Sénégal , Sénégal
- armin , medken , wa , USA
- Salah osman salah , Rick , Khartoum , Sudan
- Aya Zakareya Noor Hamid , Haj Al Safi Hospital , Khartoum , Sudan
- Shiraz Yousif , University of khartoum , NSW , Australia
- Assane Ndiaye , Université Assane Seck , Senegal , Sénégal
- Kamal Eldeen Mohammed Ibrahim Dahab , University of Khartoum , Khartoum , Sudan
- Asmaa Skareb , Canary Islands Institute of Technology , Gran Canaria , Spain
- Manjula , Malmö University , Skane , Sweden
- Michela Destito , Magna Graecia University of Catanzaro , Italy , Italy
- Souleymane Diao , Université Cheikh Anta Diop , Sénégal , Sénégal
- Geir Arne Tangen , SINTEF , Trondheim , Norway
- Mohammed Nimir , University Hospital Coventry and Warwickshire , West Midlands , UK
- Marwan Ahmed , St. George’s University , Saint George’s , Grenada
- Elimam Elghazali Siddig Mohamed Mustafa , University of Khartoum , Khartoum , Sudan
- Badiaa AIT AHMED , University Abdelmalek Essaâdi , North Africa , Morocco
- Rabab SEDRATI , ABDELMALEK ESAADI UNIVERSITY , North of Africa , Morocco
- Ahmedou Moulaye IDRISS , Faculty of Medicine University of Nouakchott Al Aasriya , Mauritania , Mauritania
- Mohamed bamba hbedy , Faculté médecine Nouakchott , Nouakchott , Mauritania
- Kyle Sunderland , Queen’s University , Ontario , Canada
- EL GUERI Jaouad , ENSA Tétouan , North of Africa , Morocco
- Otman AGHZOUT , University Abdelmalek Essaedi , North Africa , Morocco
- Andras Lasso , PerkLab, Queen’s University , ON , Canada
- Pedro Moreira , Brigham and Women’s Hospital , MA , USA
- Dr. Gargi Jani , National forensic sciences university , Gujarat , India
- Anita Carolina Ribeiro , FOUSP , São Paulo , Brazil
- Daniele Piccolo , Nucleode SRL, University of Padua , UD , Italy
- David Manso Arcediano , Cella Medical Solutions , Murcia , Spain
- Mohamed aly Dedew , Faculty of medecine of Nouakchott , Nouakchott , Mauritania
- Miguel Xochicale , King’s College London , London , UK
- Mahomed Sidique Abdul Cadar Dada , Uem , Maputo , Moçambique
- Tasos Raptis , National Technical University of Athens , Attiki , Greece
- María Dolores Afonso Suárez , Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria , Canary Islands , Spain
- Simon Doran , Institute of Cancer Research , Surrey , UK
- Elameen Adam , University of Bahri , Khartoum , Sudan
- Fatima Elnagieb Adam Gamereldien , Nyala Teaching hospital , South Darfour , Sudan
- Rafael Pineda Reyes , University of Cordoba , Cordoba , Spain
- Blanca Zufiria Gerbolés , Vicomtech , guipuzkoa , Spain
- Mohammed Eltahir , University of Bahri , Khartoum , Sudan
- Godwin Wunpiini Yiddi , Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology , Ashanti Region , Ghana
- Kate Alpert , Radiologics , CO , USA
- Gordon Harris , Massachusetts General Hospital , MA , USA
- Supriya Somarouthu , Massachusetts General Hospital , Massachusetts , USA
- Awa NDIAYE SY , Université Cheikh Anta Diop de Dakar - Faculté de Médecine, de Pharmacie et d’Odontologie , SENEGAL , Sénégal
- Aditya Apte , Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center , New York , USA
- Andrea Avena-Koenigsberger , Indiana University , INDIANA , USA
- Juan Carlos Prieto , UNC , North Carolina , USA
- Michael Halle , Brigham and Women’s Hospital , Massachusetts , USA
- Marta Vidal-Garcia , University of Calgary , Alberta , Canada
- antonietta del bove , UNIVERSITAT ROVIRA I VIRGILI , SPAIN , Spain
- Terrie Simmons-Ehrhardt , Virginia Commonwealth University , VA , USA
- Arthur Porto , Louisiana state university , LA , USA
- Lucia Cevidanes , University of Michigan , MI , USA
- Lucas Lo Vercio , University of Calgary , Alberta , Canada
- Roozbeh Shams , Polytechnique Montreal , QC , Canada
- Eva Zaffarini , University of Calgary , Alberta , Canada
- James Dickson , Radiologics Inc , Pennsylvania , USA
- Erik Ziegler , Radical Imaging , Rhone-Alpes , France
- Mounia Chakkour , Abdelmalek Essaâdi University (ENSA Tetuan) , North Africa , Morocco
- Étienne Léger , Concordia University , Québec , Canada
- Benedict Kingsford Andam , Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology , Ayeduase , Ghana
- Mohammad Alsad , Imperial College London , Cambs , UK
- YAHYA TFEIL , faculty of medicine alassriya university mauritaniaania , nouakchott , Mauritania
- jonas bianchi , University of the Pacific , California , USA
- Amdaouch Ibtisam , University of Abdelmalek Essaadi , Tanger-Tetouan , Morocco
- Mariela Peralta-Mamani , Bauru School of Dentistry-University of Sao Paulo , SP , Brazil
- Ángel Terrero Pérez , Bauru School of Dentistry, University of Sao Paulo , Sao Paulo , Brazil
- David Orlando Grajales Lopera , Polytechnique Montreal , Québec , Canada
- Alexis Girault , Kitware , NC , USA
- Leonardo F Machado , University of São Paulo até Ribeirão Preto , SP , Brazil
- Manuel Gustavo Chávez Sevillano , Rio de Janeiro State University , Rio de Janeiro , Brazil
- Gabor Fichtinger , Queen’s Univ , ON , Canada
- Charles Johnson , University of Iowa , Iowa , USA
- Morgan Hough , Center17 , CA , USA
- Aron Aliaga Del Castillo , Bauru Dental School, University of São Paulo , São Paulo , Brazil
- Camila Massaro , University of São Paulo , Sp , Brazil
- Wilson Komla , Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology , Ashanti Region , Ghana
- Victor Elikem Akpaloo , Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology , Greater Accra Region , Ghana
- ABOAGYE, Gifty Takyiwaa , Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology , Ashanti , Ghana
- omar sow , université assane seck de ziguinchor , ziguinchor , senegal
- Rudolf Bumm , Department of Surgery, Kantonsspital Graubünden , Graubünden , Switzerland
- Kelly Diamond , Seattle Children’s Research Institute , WA , United States
- Autumn Kulaga , CCDC Data & Analysis Center , MD , US
- DELEAT-BESSON , University of Michigan , Michigan , United States
- Celia LE , University of Michigan , Michigan , United States
- Deise Caldas , Malta , Saint Julians , Malta
- Steve Moore , Washington University , MO , USA
- Cseh Martin , University of Szeged 3D Center , Csongrad , Hungary
- Nasara Cabrera Abu , Canary Islands Government , Canary Islands , Spain
- Sokhna Astou Gawane Thiam , Université Cheikh Anta Diop , Sénégal , Sénégal
- Jasmin Metzger , German Cancer Research Center , BW , Germany
- Aron Helser , Kitware , NC , US
- Marcela Gurgel , Federal University of Ceara , Ceara , Brazil
- Jason Haider , Xenco Medical , California , United States
- Jordan Karten , Massachusetts General Hospital , MA , USA
- Ron Alkalay , Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center , MA , US
- Parikshit Juvekar , Brigham & Women’s Hospital , Massachusetts , USA
- Dhiego Bastos , BWH , MA , United States
- 204 registered attendees
- 26 countries
- 101 institutions (82 academic, 18 industry, and 1 goverment)