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NA-MIC Project Weeks

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Optimize DICOMweb access to IDC data

Key Investigators

Project Description

As the DICOM standard is increasingly used in digital pathology imaging, conversion of available datasets from proprietary formats into DICOM format can make the data more FAIR and improve transparency and reproducibility of research conducted with these data. For this reason, the NCI Imaging Data Commons (IDC) hosts all its data in DICOM format.

DICOMweb is a set of RESTful services that allows search, access and storage of DICOM objects via network. IDC data are also available (currently outdated, but soon to be updated) from a DICOM store. This project aims to specifically try to optimize access to digital pathology IDC data via DICOMweb capable libraries (wsidicom, dicomslide, ez-wsi-dicomweb) based on prior works on that issue.


  1. Objective A: Have a code snippet for randomly and efficiently selecting tiles of arbitrary size from the IDC-DICOM store.
  2. Objective B (if time permits): Have an efficiency comparison for different libraries used for DICOMweb access.

Approach and Plan

Objective A:

  1. Summarize current state (document).
  2. Implement DICOMweb access (problems have priorily been observed wrt authorization).

Objective B:

  1. Create scripts for efficiency comparison.
  2. Summarize results.

Progress and Next Steps

  1. Describe specific steps you have actually done.


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Background and References

Background reading:

Further resources: