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Node focus and highlighting
Key Investigators
- Kyle Sunderland (Queen's University, Canada)
- Andras Lasso (Queen's University, Canada)
- Jean-Christophe Fillion-Robin (Kitware, USA)
Presenter location: In-person
Project Description
3D software applications often provide feedback mechanisms for selecting objects and showing users which objects they have selected, or are interacting with. This allows some visualizations to be hidden when the object is not in focus.
During PW39, we worked on the initial visualization and implementation, however it has since become clear that we will need to account for additional use-cases such as VR and muli-user interaction.
Analyze the existing prototype implementation and discuss ways that the design could be improved to account for the expanded use-cases.
This new implementation should be able to handle the existing use-cases:
- See the nodes that they are hovering over or interacting with in the various subject hierarchy trees or node selectors.
- Select nodes by clicking on them in one of the views.
As well as the new use-cases:
- Multi-controller highlighting in VR.
- Allow highlighting by multiple users.
If you would like to offer suggestions or feedback on the current prototype, then come see me in-person.
Approach and Plan
- Analyze and discuss how the current design can be improved to work with the additional use-cases.
- Continue development of the node focus infrastructure.
Progress and Next Steps
- Prototype implementation can be found here: focus_pw_41.
- Developed new design, vtkMRMLSelectionNode will be converted to a vtkMRMLDisplayableNode, and vtkMRMLSelectionDisplayNode will be created to control visualization options.
- Initial implementation of the new displayable manager has now been implemented. Developers can add new non-singleton vtkMRMLSelection(Display)Node to control the selection visualization. Each selection node can have their own focus and display properties.
Next steps
- Test alternative displayable manager implementation
- Integrate changes in Slicer core
- Improve outline rendering performance
- Add and test focus visualization in VR
Example showing multiple hard focus using multiple selection nodes:

Example showing segmentations:

Example showing markups:

Example showing models using a combobox:

Background and References