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Training system for US-guided lung interventions
Key Investigators
- Natalia Arteaga Marrero (IACTEC, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Spain)
- David García Mato (Ebatinca S.L., Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain)
- Javier González Fernández (ITC, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Spain)
- Jordan Ortega Rodríguez (IACTEC, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Spain)
- Gara Ramos (IACTEC, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Spain)
Project Description
The aim of the project is to develop a training system that provides a quantitative report regarding the use of a low-cost lung phantom [1] in ultrasound-guided interventions, particularly for core needle biopsy (CNB).
A phantom with several embedded solid inclusions was fabricated. These inclusions are colour coded thus, a qualitative report can be used to indicate the success
of a CNB procedure. However, a quantitative analysis is required. For this reason, the development of a training system is planned.
- Objective A. Fabrication of dedicated phantom
- Objective B. Setting up the system’s tools
- Objective C. Application development
Approach and Plan
- Phantom model –> Accurately replicated thoracic tissues (lung, ribs, and solid masses) providing a useful tool for training US-guided procedures
- Tools connections via Optitrack and Plus Toolkit (Telemed/Clarius system and needle for biopsy)
- Application development
Progress and Next Steps
- Fabrication of dedicated phantom –> Virtual and recontructed model finished
- Tracking fixtures for the required equipment –> Biopsy needle (Bard 22mm), Telemed MicrUs EXT-1H L12 Probe. Extra tools and some adjustments to be implemented
- 3D Models of the equipments –> Biopsy needle (loaded and extended) and Telemed US system
- Optitrack + US System setup –> Connection to SLICER via Plus Toolkit using Telemed US System. Issues to connect the Clarius US system to be solved
- Preliminar tracking system working –> New calibrations to be performed after upgrading the fixtures

Background and References
[1] Arteaga-Marrero, N.; Villa, E.; Llanos González, A.B.; Gómez Gil, M.E.; Fernández, O.A.; Ruiz-Alzola, J.; González-Fernández, J.
Low-Cost Pseudo-Anthropomorphic PVA-C and Cellulose Lung Phantom for Ultrasound-Guided Interventions. Gels 2023, 9, 74.