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NA-MIC Project Weeks

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3D Slicer Internationalization

Key Investigators

Project Description

The goal of the project is to develop a novel software infrastructure to enable the localization of 3D Slicer into multiple languages. The project is funded through two Essential Open Source Software for Science awards of the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative.


  1. To identify members of the Slicer community interested in new Slicer activities in their language
  2. To run daily translation hackathons in the languages represented at PW38
  3. To implement an infrastructure for the internationalization of CTK-based code in 3D Slicer
  4. To automate Qt download in Slicer Language Packs Extension

Approach and Plan

Daily Slicer internationalization session from 10 am to 11 am EST with members of the Slicer community

Anyone is welcome to join the session that will be held online:

New international members, please fill in the PW38 Slicer internationalization form prior to joining the session.

Progress and Next Steps


Translation of Slicer Welcome module to French, Spanish, Portuguese and Hungarian

Background and References