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Slicer Looking Glass

Key Investigators
- Stephen Aylward (Kitware)
- Jean-Christophe Fillion-Robin (Kitware)
Project Description
Kitware has partnered with Looking Glass Factory (LGF) to add support for LGF’s holographic displays from any VTK-based application including ParaView, 3D Slicer, and any custom application you create.
- Introduce Looking Glass Factory hardware
- Overview of Looking Glass Extension for 3D Slicer
- Review compatibility issues with VTK 9.0 and 3D Slicer LGF.
- Discuss research and clinical applications of holographic displays.
Approach and Plan
- Present LGF via videos and tutorials
- Evaluate current Slicer + VTK9.0 candidate for compatibility with current LGF Slicer extension.
Progress and Next Steps
- Create video for 5-minute presentation on Monday
- Slicer+LGF Short Video
Background and References
Looking Glass Factory
Looking Glass Factory SDK (HoloPlayCore):
Initial release of VTK + Looking Glass Factory:
How-to video for ParaView + Looking Glass Factory:
Github for VTK extension:
Github for Slicer extension: