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Key Investigators
- Paolo Zaffino (Magna Graecia University of Catanzaro, Italy)
- Maria Francesca Spadea (Magna Graecia University of Catanzaro, Italy)
Project Description
SlicerArduino is a Slicer Extension for connecting Arduino (and Arduino-like) boards to Slicer.
In this way it is possible to easily acquire/send data from/to the external environment.
A journal paper about SlicerArduino has been already publised
- Objective A. Show how SlicerArduino works.
- Objective B.
Approach and Plan
- Explain the desing of the extension.
- Show two different use cases.
Progress and Next Steps
- Collect as much as possible suggestions and comments.
SlicerArduino main window

Background and References
- Journal paper
- Project webpage
- Source code