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Adapt an already existing workflow in maxillofacial reconstructive surgery to Slicer

Key Investigators

Project Description

Adapt an already existing workflow to Slicer. Currently it inolves MeshMixer and Blender - which is great but a little too much…


1.Take a look at the current way of doing it and see what (likely not too big ) adjustments need to be done to be able to achieve the same results from within Slicer.

Approach and Plan

  1. Consult with experts in the field and possibly develop modules.
  2. Try to “re-do” the same workflow from within Slicer

Progress and Next Steps

  1. Successfully recreated the workflow
  2. Began to work on an small module that will expose the script from the Slicer script repository to the GUI


Previous workflow with meshmixer Slicer showing the rotation of a segment around a defined axis, moved with a mouse Slicer showing the rotation of a segment around a defined axis, moved with a mouse

Background and References