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NA-MIC Project Weeks

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Slicer on Android

Key Investigators

Project Description

Investigate the possibilities of portig Slicer to Android, to be used in a Desktop-like Android environment.


  1. Put together a software environment with all the needed tools for cross-compilation and document it.
  2. Proof of concept work: compile an example Qt app for ARM64 and install and run it on phone.
  3. Once there, try to actually compile.

Approach and Plan

  1. Lots of google-ing, trial and error…
  2. Install a VM to host the build environment.
  3. Install and configure all the needed tools, IDEs, etc
  4. A POC compilation.

Progress and Next Steps

  1. Did the VM install
  2. Have all the tools configured properly
  3. Compilaed a Qt app for ARM64, installed it, and it actually RUNS! :)


The configure stage The build The app on the phone screen

Background and References