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Open Model for Anatomy Segmentation in Computer Tomography
Key Investigators
- Murong Xu (University of Zurich, Switzerland)
- Tamaz Amiranashvili (University of Zurich, Switzerland)
- Bjoern Menze (University of Zurich, Switzerland)
- Andrey Fedorov (Brigham and Women's Hospital, USA)
Project Description
We have developed a state-of-the-art automated segmentation model capable of identifying 167 anatomical structures in volumetric CT scans. This model has been trained on a combined dataset of more than 22,000 diverse, partially-annotated CT scans, setting a new benchmark in medical imaging. Our goal is to integrate this model into a 3D Slicer extension, making it widely available to the community.
- Improve general user experience of the Slicer extension and finalize the development.
- Prepare for performing large-scale inference on the IDC database.
Approach and Plan
- Enhance user experience of our current prototype of the Slicer extension
a. explore options for faster CPU-only inference
b. add DICOM support
c. incorporate SNOMED naming conventions
- Finalize extension development (test extension on various OSs, writing tests)
- Benchmark inference performance and prepare for large-scale inference on the NLST/IDC databases
Progress and Next Steps
Current Achievements:
- finalized Slicer extension UI and added DICOM support
- added support for SNOMED-CT naming conventions
- evaluated hardware requirements for inference on laptops
- limited memory/CPU only: Trained smaller models
- initial process for working with IDC data: image retrieve, DICOM nifti conversion, restore
Next Steps:
- In progress: test on different OSs

Background and References