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Lighting problems with latest SlicerVR

Key Investigators

Project Description

There is a regression with how latest SlicerVR lights the scene, both with the old VR and the new XR backend.


  1. Make both backends of SlicerVR work like before the regression
    • “Normal” lighting by default
    • Lights module changes have effect on VR view as well

Approach and Plan

  1. Investigate the problem with the help of people directly involved in the OpenXR integration
  2. If we find the root cause of either issues, try to address them

Progress and Next Steps

  1. The Kitware team looked into the issue with OpenXR
    • The issue seems to be the SRGB conversion. There is already a workaround possible, with a proper solution suggested (see comment)
  2. OpenVR support is being removed from Windows, so probably not worth trying to address the issue


The following screenshots demonstrate shadows vs no shadows in OpenVR:

OpenVR no shadows Left: Slicer view using OpenVR without shadows Right: VR view (with back lights / without two sided lighting)

OpenVR_Shadow Left: Slicer view using OpenVR with shadows Right: VR view (with back lights / without two sided lighting)

The following screenshots demonstrate different lighting options in OpenXR:

OpenXR_NoShadow Left: Slicer view using OpenXR without shadows Right: VR view (with back lights / without two sided lighting)

OpenXR_Shadow Left: Slicer view using OpenXR without shadows Right: VR view (without back lights / without two sided lighting)

Background and References

For those who have access to SlicerHeart internals, this is the link to the issue: https://github.com/JolleyLab/Internal/issues/205#event-14879920416