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3D Slicer for Latin America

Key Investigators

Project Description

The goal of this project is twofold: first, to leverage 3D Slicer’s internationalization infrastructure to localize the software into Spanish and Portuguese, and second, to develop a novel software infrastructure for localizing tutorials.


  1. Solve the existing GitHub issues related to core functionalities of the extension Tutorial Maker. For example, not handling clicks or widget resizing during annotations blocks the user from finishing the tutorial.
  2. Solve the existing GitHub issues raised during the African team tests. For example, buttons in the annotator that don’t work properly, pdf exporter breaking the original format.
  3. Fix problems in existing tutorials. For example, some missing slides in the PDF.
  4. Improve the code’s legibility and the extension’s performance.
  5. Collect more feedback from the users on the event.

Approach and Plan

  1. All the tasks (issues) are designated to pairs in the team, during the project week we will keep in continuous touch to solve each of these problems and any problem raised during feedback in the project week.

Progress and Next Steps

  1. Fix core-related issues
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  1. Code improvement
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  1. Use case (WIP)

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  1. Tutorials manually translated
Slicer Developer Tutorial: Programming in Slicer. S. Pujol, S. Pieper Segmentation for 3D printing. A. Nagy, C. Pintér
Portuguese Portuguese
Spanish Spanish

Nexts Steps

  1. Merge all the work that was created during the PW
  2. Discuss and define what will be generated to the repositories
  3. Discuss and define how the other extensions will extends TutorialMaker to create tutorials


Background and References

TutorialMaker The repository with all the code related to the extension. Feel free to open an issue or contribute! You can also download using the Extension Manager in the preview version of 3D Slicer.