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Visual Model for Respiratory Motion of Airways with SOFA-Slicer
Key Investigators
- Quinn Williams (Brigham and Women's Hospital, USA)
- Steve Pieper (Isomics, Inc., USA)
- Rafael Palomar (Oslo University Hospital / NTNU, Norway)
Presenter location: In-person
Project Description
Integration of a softbody physics simulation of lung movement during breathing in SOFA into slicer. It will be used as a virtual reference for bronchoscopy alongside streamed camera data.
- Integrate current simulation into the slicer with the slicer-SOFA extension
- Refine the respiratory motion
- Create UI elements to control breathing parameters
- Sync camera position data with a virtual camera in the airways
- Define a standard pipeline from segmentation to simulation for further bronchoscopy procedures
Approach and Plan
- Talk with slicer-sofa devs to understand the communication with sofa and slicer
- Talk with SOFA devs for advice on lung physics in SOFA
- Script the UI elements for the simulation
- Figure out whether creating a virtual camera is benificial
- Create a write-up on the process used to create the simulation and how to recreate it
Progress and Next Steps
- Created a module for slicerSOFA extension
- Created scene for lung simulation with lung vtk mesh
- Created UI elements to control simulation parameters(breathing force, period, youngs modulus)
- Updated collision parameters for ribs
Next steps:
- fix rib collisions
- allow rib movement during breathing
- fix simulation caching
- create a transformation for the airway segmentation based on the lung deformation
Current Lung Simulation in Slicer
Old Version in SOFA:

Background and References
- Lung Simulation Module for slicerSOFA
- Old airway sofa simulation