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NA-MIC Project Weeks

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Computer assisted vessel segmentation for 2D angiography

Key Investigators

Presenter location: In-person

Project Description

I have written a C++ library for computer-assisted vessel segmentation in DSA images. I have a stand-alone application that demos this system. The application is also in C++ and uses Qt and OpenGL. I hope to provide this to the Slicer community as a Slicer module.


  1. Get feedback from people at project week about whether they would find this useful.
  2. Learn how to build a loadable C++ Slicer module.
  3. Find out if Slicer can support the necessary OpenGL functionality. If not investigate what would be needed to support it.
  4. Reach goal: build a loadable module with the bare-bones functionality of the system.

Approach and Plan

  1. Demo the system to anyone who is interested.
  2. Read the Slicer pages on building a loadable module. Seek help from experienced Slicer developers.
  3. Talk to Slicer OpenGL gurus about OpenGL issues.
  4. Stub out a loadable Slicer module and try to get it to run. Add OpenGL functionality for specialized rendering if possible.

Progress and Next Steps

  1. Describe specific steps you have actually done.


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Background and References

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