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3D Slicer Internationalization

Key Investigators

Presenter location: In-person and Online

Project Description

The project aims to empower non-English speaking end-users to realize the full potential of the platform by translating its user interface, tutorials and documentation to multiple languages.


  1. Objective A. Validation of manual translations
  2. Objective B. Outreach to external Weblate contributors
  3. Objective C. Identification of international Slicer community members interested in new Slicer activities in their languages
  4. Objective D. Translation to French of SlicerIGT tutorials

Approach and Plan

Slicer Internationalization sessions with members of the Slicer community

International PW41 participants, please complete the 3D Slicer Internationalization form to participate in the sessions.

Progress and Next Steps


  1. 32 participants from five countries participated in the PW41 Slicer internationalization sessions. SlicerInternationalization_PW41_invitedTalk

  2. New Collaborations with Ecole Militaire de Santé and Université Gaston Berger, Senegal
  3. Future plans for a 3D Slicer Localization extension