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Key Investigators
- Paolo Zaffino (Magna Graecia University of Catanzaro, Italy)
- Maria Francesca Spadea (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany)
Presenter location: In-person
Project Description
SlicerArduino is a Slicer extension that allows to stream data from/to Arduino (and Arduino-like) board.
The extension is already deployed but several improvements can be made.
- Add Bluetooth support
- Manage connection drop
- Think about switching from pyserial to qt serial module
Approach and Plan
- Edit SlicerArduino code having Arduino board with Bluetooth module on the side
- Discuss with people about switching from pyserial to qt serial module
- Manage connection drop
Progress and Next Steps
- Bluetooth connection was investigated. Preliminary tests were done just by interfacing Arduino board with the computer, without including Slicer in the loop (for the moment).
- Connection drop management is now implemented and working. Right now it is in a separate git branch, some code cleanup is required.
When the connection drops a vtkErrorEvent is invoked on the arduinoNode and a popup appears to the user.
- QSerialPort is not included by default in the current Slicer build but it can be done.
Performance/feasibility tests have to be carried on to understand if migration is worth it.
- We had a (very nice and useful) meeting to discuss SlicerArduino both from a developer and user point of view.

Background and References
SlicerArduino paper
SlicerArduino GitHub page
SlicerArduino website