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3D Slicer for Latin America

Key Investigators

Presenter location: In-Person

Project Description

The goal of this project is to leverage 3D Slicer’s internationalization infrastructure to localize the software into Spanish and Portuguese and to develop a novel software infrastructure for tutorial localization.


The main purpose is to develop a functional prototype that can take screenshots from 3D Slicer, allow the user to put annotations into it, and draw these annotations in different languages. Based on the actual prototype.

  1. Develop a tool in 3D Slicer that can take a screenshot as a .png file and a description of all visible widgets as a .json.
  2. Develop an interactive tool that allows visual editing of screenshot annotations.
  3. Develop a library that can draw annotations on a screenshot, relative to a widget. This would be used for drawing annotations automatically in different languages.
  4. Translate and add strings for translations from the 3D Slicer interface and extensions, like MONAILabel.

Approach and Plan

  1. Show what we already have developed during the week, and the next steps, and discuss functionalities that we can use to achieve these steps. Also, exchange knowledge and listen to the feedback of the users,

Progress and Next Steps



English Brazilian Portuguese Spanish
English-0 pt-0 sp-0
en-1 pt-1 sp-1
en-2 pt-2 sp-2
en-3 pt-3 sp-3
en-4 pt-4 sp-4

IMG_2212-small IMG_2211-small

Background and References

GitHub Repository

TutorialMaker The repository has some branches for each issue raised, the main branch is basic but fixed to an English-to-Spanish translation, which involves a lot of processes and manual operations.