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NA-MIC Project Weeks

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3D Slicer Internationalization

Key Investigators

Presenter location: Online

Project Description

The project aims to develop a novel software infrastructure to enable the localization of 3D Slicer into multiple languages.


To identify members of the global Slicer community interested in new Slicer activities in their language

To create a list containing the top 10 Slicer modules to translate for new Slicer Internationalization contributors

To create a new module translation lookup table for the Language Packs Extension tutorial

Approach and Plan

Slice Internationalization Breakout session:

Zoom link for Slicer Internationalization Breakout session: https://etsmtl.zoom.us/j/86060017076?pwd=NmVkb2ovckh6Y3ZjQzZxSUtXU09tZz09#success

Daily Slicer internationalization sessions with members of the Slicer community

Zoom link for all Slicer Internationalization sessions: https://etsmtl.zoom.us/j/86060017076?pwd=NmVkb2ovckh6Y3ZjQzZxSUtXU09tZz09#success

Progress and Next Steps


Project meetings




Background and References

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