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Neuronavigation guided TMS (nTMS) has become an increasingly used tool in neurosurgical clinical practice and has proven to be especially useful in preoperative brain mapping for surgical planning in brain tumor surgery. However there are not many commercial neuronavigation systems available that meet all the needs for TMS applications, like estimating the electrical field over the cortex. Some other technical issues rela ted to tracking functions are found in these systems. Because of their high cost (near $US 100.000) and technical requirements they remain out of reach for many institutions in low/middle income countries. There are low-cost tools with which it is possible to implement a system with almost any function provided by commercial systems available today, and with the possibiity of continuos development and customization. –>
Develop and validate a workflow for the implementation of a prototype markless neuronavigation system for non-invasive functional mapping with nTMS, by combining low-cost optical sensors (INTEL REALSENSE) and open source software 3D SLICER
Demonstrated with Central Line Data
Demonstrated with Central Line Data
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Source code for frame to point cloud module can be found here: