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NA-MIC Project Weeks

Segmentation and annotation storage format

NA-MIC Project Week 2020-12-17, 11am-12pm EST

In this breakout session we try to come up with a consensus on how to best store image segmentation and annotations that is convenient for many workflows and software tools.


  1. Andras Lasso (Queen’s University)
  2. Steve Pieper (Isomics)
  3. Matt McCormick (Kitware)
  4. Hans Johnson (University of Iowa)
  5. Mike Halle (BWH)
  6. Alexis Girault (Kitware)
  7. Ron Kikinis (BWH)
  8. Theodore Aptekarev
  9. Mehran Azimbagirad
  10. Sam Horvath (Kitware)
  11. add your name here

Current State

Commonly used formats for image segmentation

Commonly used formats for annotation (markups - points, lines, curves, …)


Suggested solutions


Seg.nrrd header example:

# Complete NRRD file format specification at:
# http://teem.sourceforge.net/nrrd/format.html
type: unsigned char
dimension: 4
space: left-posterior-superior
sizes: 2 256 256 112
space directions: none (0.93750000000000022,0,0) (0,0.93750000000000022,0) (0,0,1.4000000000000001)
kinds: list domain domain domain
encoding: gzip
space origin: (-119.53100000000005,-119.53099999999999,-77.700000000000003)
Segment0_Color:=0.694118 0.478431 0.396078
Segment0_Extent:=40 210 3 235 0 111
Segment0_Tags:=Segmentation.Status:notstarted|TerminologyEntry:Segmentation category and type - 3D Slicer General Anatomy list~SCT^123037004^Anatomical Structure~SCT^69536005^Head~^^~Anatomic codes - DICOM master list~^^~^^|
Segment1_Color:=0.564706 0.933333 0.564706
Segment1_Extent:=113 148 80 115 64 89
Segment1_Tags:=Segmentation.Status:inprogress|TerminologyEntry:Segmentation category and type - 3D Slicer General Anatomy list~SCT^49755003^Morphologically Altered Structure~SCT^4147007^Mass~^^~Anatomic codes - DICOM master list~^^~^^|
Segmentation_ContainedRepresentationNames:=Binary labelmap|Closed surface|
Segmentation_ConversionParameters:=Collapse labelmaps|1|Merge the labelmaps into as few shared labelmaps as possible 1 = created labelmaps will be shared if possible without overwriting each other.&Compute surface normals|1|Compute surface normals. 1 (default) = surface normals are computed. 0 = surface normals are not computed (slightly faster but produces less smooth surface display).&Crop to reference image geometry|0|Crop the model to the extent of reference geometry. 0 (default) = created labelmap will contain the entire model. 1 = created labelmap extent will be within reference image extent.&Decimation factor|0.0|Desired reduction in the total number of polygons. Range: 0.0 (no decimation) to 1.0 (as much simplification as possible). Value of 0.8 typically reduces data set size by 80% without losing too much details.&Fractional labelmap oversampling factor|1|Determines the oversampling of the reference image geometry. All segments are oversampled with the same value (value of 1 means no oversampling).&Joint smoothing|0|Perform joint smoothing.&Oversampling factor|1|Determines the oversampling of the reference image geometry. If it's a number, then all segments are oversampled with the same value (value of 1 means no oversampling). If it has the value "A", then automatic oversampling is calculated.&Reference image geometry|-0.9375000000000001;0;0;119.53100000000003;0;-0.9375000000000001;0;119.53099999999999;0;0;1.4000000000000001;-77.7;0;0;0;1;0;255;0;255;0;111;|Image geometry description string determining the geometry of the labelmap that is created in course of conversion. Can be copied from a volume, using the button.&Smoothing factor|0.2|Smoothing factor. Range: 0.0 (no smoothing) to 1.0 (strong smoothing).&Threshold fraction|0.5|Determines the threshold that the closed surface is created at as a fractional value between 0 and 1.&
Segmentation_MasterRepresentation:=Binary labelmap
Segmentation_ReferenceImageExtentOffset:=0 0 0

NGFF image-label example:

    "version": "0.1",
    "colors": [
        "label-value": 1,
        "rgba": [255, 255, 255, 0]
        "label-value": 4,
        "rgba": [0, 255, 255, 128]
    "properties": [
        "label-value": 1,
        "area (pixels)": 1200,
        "class": "foo"

        "label-value": 4,
        "area (pixels)": 1650
  "source": {
    "image": "../../"

Store schema in top-level folder