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NA-MIC Project Weeks

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Joint dMRI and fMRI analysis: fMRI data curation in neurosurgical patients and healthy controls

Key Investigators

Project Description

Curate data for future machine learning and data analysis projects.


  1. A curated dataset with expert-thresholded and labled fMRI tasks.
  2. Instructions on how to curate this data to add to the dataset in the future.

Approach and Plan

  1. Get the data
  2. Work with Laura R. on thresholding
  3. Make a curation plan and instructions
  4. Process fMRI data
  5. Label fMRI activations
  6. Curate files in designated file organization

Progress and Next Steps

  1. Created plan for data curation.
  2. Curated as much data as possible including fMRI processing and expert thresholding, radiology report information extraction, and anonymized data organization.
  3. Made plan for ongoing curation.


Background and References