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Virtual reality interactions
Key Investigators
- Csaba Pinter (Queen’s University)
- Nayra Pumar Carreras (Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria)
- Clement Mirabel (BWH)
Project Description
The goal of the project is to make progress towards having an in-VR interaction widget that the user can use to drive Slicer features. A home widget gives access to typical VR settings, and provides access to modules (VR’ized version of much used modules from Slicer). The user uses the controller as a laser pointer, which acts as a mouse on the Qt widget shown on the VTK actor that appears in the VR scene. See full description here.
- Finish markups event handling in VR
- Make progress with vtkQWidgetWidget integration in Slicer
- vtkQWidgetWidget works with Slicer’s new VTK widget event handling method
- The widget can show the VR home widget in VR
- Discuss Nayra’s plan with her anthropology VR project
Approach and Plan
- Implement per-device event handling in markups event handling mechanism
- vtkQWidgetWidget integration
- Add vtkQWidgetWidget support in Slicer using the new VTK widget event handling method
- Bind controller menu button to show the home widget in front of the user
- If the new laser pointer is ready by then, then start implementing Qt event translation
- Talk to Nayra
Progress and Next Steps
- Per-device event handling in markups event handling mechanism done
- VR widget
- Clement added working laser pointer in SlicerVR
- Csaba looked into vtkQWidgetWidget
- Discussed anthropology VR project needs with Nayra:
- Main need is more realistic volume rendering of the mummies (OSPray integration into Slicer)

Background and References