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New features for an ultrasound training system
Key Investigators
- José-Carlos Ruiz-Luque (ULPGC - GTMA-IUIBS - MACbioIDi)
- Guillermo Valentín Socorro-Marrero (ULPGC - GTMA-IUIBS - MACbioIDi)
Csaba Pinter (Queen’s University, Canada)
- Samba Diaw (Université Cheikh Anta DIOP)
- Oumar Kane (Centre Hospitalier National Fann Dakar)
- Joseane Ferreira (Hospital Agostinho Neto de Praia)
- Juan Ruiz-Alzola (ULPGC - GTMA-IUIBS - MACbioIDi)
Project Description
This project is a next step in the one presented during 28th PW NA-MIC and it aims to add new features both the graphic user interface (GUI) and the functionalities of the training system.
- Supporting the multi-language (Spanish, French, English, Portuguese, and Arabic).
- Registering several custom layouts.
- Calculating the angle between a plane of the US image and a needle and it will be shown in a 3D scene or a 2D viewer.
- Visualizing the image orientation marker symbol in an US image.
- Selection of various clinical procedures for training.
Approach and Plan
- A multi-language proposal was implemented in a Guidelet-based GUI for Slicer 4.8 using to the module “gettext” in Python. We would like to implement this proposal in SlicerIGT for Slicer 4.10.
- The design of new custom layouts in Guidelet-based GUIs was implemented in collaboration with the Perklab team.
- Designing a proposal for the angle between a plane of the US image and a needle. At first, we will study the VTK if there is a filter for this objective or other 3D Slicer modules.
- Studying the MicrUs SDK to visualize the image orientation marker symbol and it will be implemented in the Plus Toolkit or 3D Slicer.
Progress and Next Steps
- The image orientation marker symbol
- We discussed the image orientation marker symbol with PerkLab team
- We developed a prototype (see Figure 6)
- The symbol is a new actor in a viewport (2D scene)
- We´ll integrate a stable version in our system
- MultiLangauge
- We worked with Jean-Christophe Fillion-Robin (@jcfr) to improve the current implementation in 3D Slicer
- We fixed a bug in CMake file
- Creating a Spanish version in a part of the 3D Slicer GUI (see Figure 7 )
- We are working the multilanguage in the python support
- Angle
- We evaluated several strategies:
- Module: angle measurement by Andras Lasso
- Defining various vectors of the needle and image axes from the MRML
- A selected proposal will be developed in outgoing
Guidelet muli-language interface:

Figure1. Language selection for the Guidelet-based GUI

Figure 2. Guidelet-based GUI in Arabic

Figure 3. Guidelet-based GUI in Spanish

Figure 4. An angle between a plane of the US image and a needle or a needle model overlays the US image

Figure 5. An image orientation marker symbol (in blue color)

Figure 6. A prototype for the image orientation marker symbol (M) and the depth (green rectangles)

Figure 7. A Spanish version of 3D Slicer GUI
Background and References